How important? 3/5
What? Small thumbnails
Where? Product details
This can be however connected to the browser type – I believe it is only so on Chrome (on Mozilla and Edge it is fine).
Even on your live demo page I have the same error on Chrome.

How important? 5/5
What? Invisible amount
Where? Mobile
The amount to be added is invisible. Just the number. Adding it up works, and bigger amounts can be added to cart. User ‘only’ cannot see what he is doing.

How important? 2/5
What? details of order
Where? My account/orders
The table on the left is fine, but it looks like it is somehow unnecessary copied/doubled

How important? 4/5
What? CONTINUE button color
Why isn’t it red? It is light grey and hardly visible on Chrome.
Doesn’t it have a wrong class? It is: “btn btn-sm” / shouldn’t it be: “btn btn-primary-continue” ?